Flash & Fuse, Issue #02: The Mentor/Student Edition
Published on Apr 30, 2015
Flash & Fuse is a visual arts magazine. Harnessing the power of collaboration, crowd sourcing, and community we produce content that offers a unique combination of artistic and creative perspectives. Flash & Fuse acts an incubator for developing artists by providing a global audience and an outlet for their talents.
Melanie's "Literacy Comes To Life" series was published inside this issue.

Series: Literacy Comes To Life
Model: Carrie Esser
Photographer: Melanie Costanzo
Stylist: Thomas Droughton

Melanie's "Color Dust Exhibition" was published on the cover of Breakwall Journal Volume 7.
Melanie was chosen to juror photography submissions of Breakwall Journal Volume 8, which won the fourth-place best-in-show award at the National College Media Convention, an Associated College Press-sponsored event held in Dallas.